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创建时间:2023-10-18 16:10
专为“系留”无人机设计的无人机光电混装电缆,通过电缆将多旋翼无人机连接到地面站。 通过电缆作为电力线给无人机供电,光纤实时传输采集到的信号,该线缆具有重量轻体积小, 易于反复收放,拥有较大的任务载荷,较强的抗风能力可支持无人机实现不限时的空中飞行/悬 停等作业。已广泛适用于救灾抢险、边界巡视、基地安全、景区监测、地质勘测、野外作业、 森林防火、应急通信、公安反恐、交通监管、新闻采访、工程监控、环境监测、影视拍摄、科 学研究、国防军工等多个广泛领域。
Agileoptics Tethered Drone Cables are a game-changer for the commercial and military industries. We strike a balance by blending power and fiber optic cables with rugged materials in a small-scale hybrid design. Our tethered drone cables are 20% smaller than standard cables built with nylon, so they take up less space inside the Tether Management System (TMS), which means more design options and extra payload during operation. Conventional lightweight cables can be vulnerable to tough surroundings because they lack adequate protection, causing them to wear out long before the drone. Also, drones operating at high power can be susceptible to failure if materials are not compatible with high temperatures. But not our low-weight tethered drone cables! Theyre built with proven high-strength and weather-proof materials that deliver continuous high-voltage power, secure signals, and unfailing data transmission in difficult environments. Our cables are designed specifically to withstand crushing, abrasion, repeated reeling, fluctuating temperatures, humidity, rain, snow, and tough terrain. Agileiptics Tethered Drone Cables maximize TMS availability and drone capability, increase design options/payload, enable drones to fly higher, expand line of sight/coverage, and operate over the drones lifetime.